Tuesday, April 30, 2013
Popular Irony Rhyme Time
For my body to be complete
I sent money away
And it should arrive today...
The model was deluxe
It was designed for more fucks
And could go from flaccid and slim
To being filled to the brim...
I shelled out more cash
So it can fill any gash
And when I put it together
It'll attach to my nethers...
When the mailman delivered
My insides all quivered
I've been a Ken doll below
But now I am eager to show...
So I tore open the box
Expecting a king kong size jock
It's contents were disjointed
And I admit I was disappointed...
It was shriveled and pale
And as thin as a rail
Apparently the caucasian
Was just a repainted asian...
When I wore it with hair
It seemed barely there
And forget it without
It was a pale small-sized trout...
If I could send the thing back
I'd probably order a black
It might just be clashing
But decidedly more dashing...
If I had taken the hint
I'd have read the no-refund print
Now resigned to my shame
I must decide to proclaim...
Monday, April 29, 2013
Here is a Gif....That is all. - BOO!
That is all....
Sunday, April 28, 2013
Putin On A Show
Saturday, April 27, 2013
It's hard not to get pregnant by a man-beast that ejaculates in literal gallons. Fueled by Cheetos and Pepsi, the egg matured quickly. You thought it was just indigestion from eating at the Taco Bucket, but when you looked into the toilet, a giant feces smeared egg sat quivering in the septic mess.
You cared for it, kept it warm. You knew it either contained your child or some other delicious animal. Now it has hatched and your dark motherhood has begun! It must be strange nursing a baby with a mouth full of grasping tentacles. You could switch to formula, or you could try feeding him neighborhood children. They all look so plump and tasty.
One day the elder beast will return and claim his child. With the powers of the star-born, he will depose the current celestials and usher in an age of fire and rot. Until that day, good luck enrolling him in day care.
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Awww, he has his father's tentacles. |
Friday, April 26, 2013
Cautious Cockplay
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The Usual Suspects |
Thursday, April 25, 2013
Avian Parenting Taxidermy
First we have a large bird called the Gargantuicken and it's tiny birdlings. Birdettes? Chunkins?..... peeps.. no....um... CHICKS! That's it, baby birds are chicks! Just look at their adorable stuffed carcases.
Next up is the rock dwelling ocean bird, the Rumpadumps.... Well, looky there.... If you look close you can see Rumpadump chicks! I wonder if the museum killed the chicks themselves for this display or if they waited around the Rumpadump cliffs waiting for them to die. I bet they are delicious.
This is a Grey Park Bird. I see them in the park sometimes from my apartment window. Terrifying! From the looks of it, this Grey Park Bird has also pooped out some chicks. Nice work, mama Grey Park Bird! Well, maybe not too nice of work. They are all dead.
I think these are called Click Clacks. It is my understanding that baby Click Clacks are prized for their gallbladder. I hear it's real good for boners. Too bad this one is full of sawdust. I could really use a good dick thickener.
Ah, the majestic Birdjamin Buttons. These birds are simply amazing! They age backwards just like Brad Pitt in that terrible movie. Look at the proud, fluffy white parents admiring their newborn. That baby better go get some food for it's parents. Mama and dada have aged out of their flying stage. Nothing but eggshells and oblivion awaits them.
What's that there? It's the bird that McDonalds butchers to make the Filet o' Fish, being trailed by it's brood of tiny McNuggets.
Can you hear the lonesome cry of the Royal Crested Cockneck? It's terrible. It sounds like someone farting into a an unwilling elderly woman's mouth. Well, isn't this a coincidence, it's got itself some dead babies too!
Feast your eyes on nature's most hideous infant. The Sleek Shitstack. Just looking at it makes me happy that it is dead. Those dead parents have to pretend that they love that mess. What deluded assholes.
Last but not least is the sworn enemy of the Gargantuicken, the Enormuck. If I understand my history correctly... In Jesus times the Enormuck was saddled and ridden into battle by the Jesuses during the crusades. They fought the Jewishes who rode the Gargantuickens. When horses were invented, people stopped riding birds altogether. The giant birds, free from their masters, continued their own feathered wars that still continue to this day. These display Enormucks were probably murdered in their sleep by sneaky Gargantuickens. Such war crimes...
Until next time!
Wednesday, April 24, 2013
Dr. Seuss Presents: False Flag!
Even the skeptics were turning, their conversion was nearing... And the faithful among them began chanting and cheering!
New YOUTUBE Shows! Coming Soon!
Monday, April 22, 2013
How To Toss A Salad
Sunday, April 21, 2013
Here is a Gif....That is all. - A Fox Eating A Nome
That is all....
Saturday, April 20, 2013
'Twas The Night Before 420
A bomber was hiding, in a boat that was shitty.
He laid all alone in a blood and piss soaked bed,
Scared that the SWAT team would soon make him dead.
The country was watching, wondering where he could be,
In devilish anticipation of a death on TV.
When one lucky smoker found some blood in his yard,
He ran to his phone, and the FEDS came down hard.
They showed they meant business, and fired some rounds,
Then listened to him whimper, and other pathetic sounds.
It dragged on for hours, and the kid seemed to be screwed,
Then the cops got him to surrender, with the promise of food.
The people were cheering, the terrorist beaten and dragged,
Then taken to the hospital, where he was treated and tagged.
He would get no miranda, probably suffer more beating,
But no one would care, he deserved even worse treating!
The media vultures arrived, circling overhead,
Eager for news, on if the killer was dead.
But the doctors worked hard, to make sure he kept breathing,
Because if the man died, the public’s rage would be seething!
"We want torture! Interrogation! and a televised trial!
And we hope he pleads not guilty, so the show lasts awhile!
To Gitmo he goes, after we’re done in the courts!
For more humiliation and torture, even a raping of sorts!"
And after our bloodlust, and the media circus,
Islamophobia would be stronger, with public burnings of burkas.
And America remains undefeated, foiling another terrorist plot
But who fucking cares? Let’s just smoke some more pot.
Friday, April 19, 2013
What's that? No, I'm not cold at all. I am totally tough and cool. In fact, I consider myself "The Coolest Guy at Work". I don't see anybody else kicking ass in shorts and a t-shirt when the temp is the teens. Hellz no, just me. ..... Why yes, these are the same shorts everyday...... Hmmmm? Well, who needs to own more than two t-shirts, really?
I can totally tell that people are jealous of how cool I look. They wish they could be me but they can't brave the cold like a real man, like me. It is so obvious that my female co-workers want to pork me. I mean, who wouldn't, right? ..... What's that? .... Well no, I haven't "Bed" any of my female coworkers......Yet! I think they are just too intimidated by my manly beard that is the same length as my balding head hair. Only one attachment needed for my clippers, and yes, the curtains match the carpet.
Well, I'm going to get a little more hacky sacking in before my break is over. Where are my friends? Those losers said it was "too cold" today. Wussies. ... What's that? Why yes, that is frozen saliva on my beard. It looks bad-ass right? Your eyes say no but my chapped skin says "Yes"...... OK, bye then...
Thursday, April 18, 2013
AOU Kansas City Campus
Here at Abstinence Only University we apply the concepts embraced by Missouri public schools to provide the nation's first sociologically and scientifically hostile higher learning environment. If accepted, you scholarly experience begins with the mandatory wool and burlap uniforms and luxurious segregated dormitories, where you will enjoy a living space bereft of sexual temptation. But it doesn't stop there! We offer some of the most wholesome theologian-approved curriculum available in the bible belt!
Come join "professor" Diane Watkins as she explains the economic concepts of supply and demand through the lens of fundamental and righteous gender inequality. Learn how a woman's inherent lack of intellectual aptitude drives the world economy and how Jesus calls for male dominance to ensure fruitful capitalist prosperity until the second coming!
Discover how touching your genitals for any reason other than bathing could be responsible for the decline and eventual collapse of the American empire, just as it was for the historic doomed empires of the Ottomans and Romans! And take in the refreshing historical teachings that show us how personal sexual shame can benefit human civilization for generations to come at one of our acclaimed* lectures by notable author Norman Gregory.
Or is social studies more your thing? Perhaps you could sign up for Sociology 101 with Dr. Spencer Watson and experience the worldwide revolution in feminine empowerment by the adoption of ancient cultural traditions in the middle east, where fashion designers are "taking back the burkha" and making it a symbol of pride for western women today!
And for the inquisitive child in all of us there is a robust curriculum of natural science courses to demonstrate divine wrath for those that presume to understand the ways of God through observation of dangerous chemical reactions and exposure to radioactivity. Come learn how viewing the heavens through a telescope is the moral equivalent of a peeping tom staring lustfully through the keyhole of God's creation, and how piety can lead to intellectual truth!
So take the plunge and join us in training a new generation to fill America's future businesses with an army of righteous businessmen, politicians, and technicians that have an understanding grounded in respect for God's natural law, and steeped in a deep personal sexual shame. Our supporters are touting us as "A heavy-handed approach to integrating theological dogma into secular teachings" and "A dangerous regression into fostering contempt for scientific advancement." Degree not included.
Wednesday, April 17, 2013
F**k The Beast is coming soon!!
Keep your eyes on this website or visit our Youtube page.....
F*<k you soon!!
Tuesday, April 16, 2013
Here is a Gif....That is all. - Bravestarr Shaman
That is all...
Monday, April 15, 2013
Diary of a Degenerate 35
Sunday, April 14, 2013
Hack Slash $#*! - Episode 12
The seed used for this world is - Turdcutalia
Music by Kevin MacLeod http://incompetech.com/music/royalty-free/
Saturday, April 13, 2013
Hack Slash $#*! - Episode 11
The seed used for this world is - Turdcutalia
Music by Kevin MacLeod http://incompetech.com/music/royalty-free/
Friday, April 12, 2013
Vir Cotto is a Badass
Vir Cotto never liked Mr. Morden. Early in Season 2, Vir let Mr. Morden know exactly how he feels about him. Prophetically, at the end of Season 4, Vir epically delivers. Watch the clip and you'll get it. Vir Cotto is a fucking badass....... Wait, is that Flounder from Animal House?
Thursday, April 11, 2013
Dump Diary
Saturday, April 6
I was able to sleep in an hour later than normal due to shifting work commitments, and the extra time brewed a steamer in me that condemned an office restroom for two hours. I had eaten spicy chili the night before, and knew the resulting squit (squishy shit) would be epic due to the potency of minor farts I had been laying since early morning. Smell rates a full 5.0, size about a 4.4 (roughly seven inches of bratwurst diameter shit), cleanup was about 2.0 due to a welcome upsplash that lent a bidet effect.
Sunday, April 7
I usually try to reserve my most plentiful dumps for Sundays, mostly because I can take my time in the comfort of my own bathroom. Today was an excellent example of this as I produced a crap that could be best described as "pornographic" in terms of its size, and gave me the impression that I would fare well in a prison rape scenario. Size must be rated a one time only 10.0, given that it appears this shit started near my tonsils. Smell was weak at 1.0, and cleanup was a difficult 4.5, mostly due to the copious plunging required.
Monday, April 8
There was no dumping to be had this day, and I walked about bow-legged like a cowboy after a long cattle drive due to the previous day's evacuation. Luckily I was not required to go into work as it was my day off, so I sat alone in the dark with my appropriate shame.
Tuesday, April 9
I nearly left work today after battling through the first four hours of my day with bi-hourly bouts of the shotgun shits. The pressure built up to excruciating levels until hard-packed pellets of poo ricocheted audibly off the porcelain beneath me. Size is hard to register, as the dense pellets sunk like bullets below the visible bottom of the toilet bowl. Scent was completely absent, and cleanup was effortless. It was almost like I didn't shit at all, except for the soreness in my bowels.
Wednesday, April 10
The dry density of the previous day's shitting was compensated for with the oily discharge that made its way into the very fabric of my underpants today. I was faced with the decision to either go home to change or to abandon all hope of comfort and go commando. I chose the latter, discarding my boxers in the trashcan for the nice mexican lady to find when she came to clean the facilities. The application of a paper towel "cork" prevented me from soiling my work trousers. Size is registered at a 0, since it was all fluid. Stench was strong with this one, a solid 4.0, and cleanup was off the scale, since the greenish tint and unruly greasiness caused me to jettison my drawers.
I will be back soon with further details on my crapping habits. It will keep you at the edge of your toilet seats!
Wednesday, April 10, 2013
Hack Slash $#*! - Episode 10
The seed used for this world is - Turdcutalia
Music by Kevin MacLeod http://incompetech.com/music/royalty-free/
Tuesday, April 9, 2013
Technical Difficulties
Fear not, friends. We are back and the same as ever. We've got some great projects in the works and maybe, just maybe, we will actually commit to one of them. Either way, the podcast is coming. Hamtackle, Terlet, Sir Chapsworth and an unnamed 4th are gearing up their talking holes for some filthy fun. Master Bastard is on it's way and I'm sure it will be as warmly received as everything else posted on this site.
Until next time, thanks for reading! Now back to your regularly scheduled dick hammering.
Thursday, April 4, 2013
The Tale Of Tommycunt
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Behold! |
Wednesday, April 3, 2013
Hack Slash $#*! - Episode 9
The seed used for this world is - Turdcutalia
Music by Kevin MacLeod http://incompetech.com/music/royalty-free/
Tuesday, April 2, 2013
Here is a Gif....That is all. - I'm a Zit!
That is all...