
Sunday, July 24, 2011

Five Reasons to be Happy Today

I have come to the conclusion that the majority of my posts are decidedly negative.  I wanted to offer up some pleasantness today, in honor of the holy day of rest.  Enjoy this short list to spread a little cheer.

1.  You were not born with Harlequin-type ichthyosis.  If this picture does not satisfy your curiosity then look it up.  Basically it makes babies look like a prop piece from a Hellraiser film.

Do not want.

2.  There are approximately 925 million starving people in the world.  I know this may not sound like a good thing, but imagine how much food and other resources it is freeing up for the rest of us.  And most likely you live in what they call the "developed countries" category, and there are only 19 million there.   

Why you don't give a shit about world hunger.

3.  An estimated 5 million cats and dogs are killed in shelters each year. That's one about every six and one half seconds.  Imagine how horrible it would be if all these cats and dogs were still on the streets, left to be hit by cars, contract disease, and contribute to overpopulation.  At least they die by euthanasia in as comfortable a  setting as can be expected.

4.  One day you and everyone you love will be dead, and there is no God to let you live on eternally.  This is life's one big guarantee.  But think of how relaxing non-existence is going to be.  I think the perfect description of hell is eternal life.  Every problem, disappointment, or frustration is directly attributable to existence.

Mob grinder aftermath

5.  Experts estimates that we are losing 137 plant, animal and insect species every single day due to rainforest deforestation. That equates to 50,000 species a year.  Call me an optimist, but what I am seeing here is natural selection!  Think of how great it must be in South America to have a front row seat to the evolutionary process.  I wonder what kind of new super-animals will emerge from the ashes... Anacondas with wings, horses that run on two feet, the possibilities are endless.

They have their father's eyes

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